Indonesia to Control Accounts in 23 Countries

VIVAnews - The Department of Finance will soon close overseas illegal accounts owned by the Indonesian Embassy. Inspector General Hekinus Manau stated that the Department of Finance has informed the Foreign Affairs Department about the illegal accounts in overseas banks.

According to Manau, the accounts were not many and with low value. "The number is small but is scattered in 23 countries," he said in Jakarta on Monday, June 6.

The action is in line with the government's effort to regulate domestic and overseas finance more effectively. Therefore, the government will close these accounts.

The accounts were made by the Indonesian Embassy's defence attache in 2009 without any notification to the Finance Minister. Since it is was considered inappropriate and inefficient, the Finance Department decides to close the accounts.

"We ask officials at the Indonesian Embassy to own one account for the trade, defence, education, and other attache's necessity. New accounts cannot be applied," he added.


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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